From the 23rd to the 25th of March, Stanford University will play host to the Natural Capital symposium, bringing together members of the ecosystem services community from around the globe to exchange ideas, research, and practical experiences in bringing natural capital information into high leverage decision contexts. A variety of workshops, presentations, facilitated discussions, and other sessions will be held in three primary tracks each day of this three-day symposium. In the Tools & Training track at the Symposium, attendees can learn in hands-on sessions with trainers about NatCap's approach and how to use open-source tools. The /Pathways to Impact/ and /Learning Exchange/ tracks are designed to foster dialogue, encourage collaboration, and to learn from one another as a community. There are special registration rates for students and attendees traveling from low-GDP countries. For more information, to download a draft agenda, and to submit your poster and contributed talk proposals, please visit the website:
To register click here: <https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07e9q3j8jya0887357&oseq=&c=&ch=>